Monday, February 1, 2010

Homeschool Lessons Plans Week of 2-1-10

This week should be a fun one in school since we have finished up our Civil War/Abraham Lincoln unit with Maddelyn and now are starting with our Health and Safety unit for Miss Em and Miss Maddie. Over the next three weeks we will be working on learning about:

Doctors (their professions/first aid/germs/hospitals/emergencies/different types of doctors)

Fire Safety (firefighters/protective clothing/stop-drop-roll/stay-low-and-go/911/fire prevention/tools firemen use)

Police Men (strangers/only good things for your body/police dogs/helping others/different types of police officers/neighborhood-street safety)

We will be pulling resources for lots of different places including Homeschool Helpers Fire Safety Lapbook, Making Learning Fun's Printables, Prekinders Activities and Links, and the great ebooks we picked up from the Old School House Magazine while they were running an amazing sale last week, 10 studies for $19.95! Totally worth me stepping out of the "never bought a homeschool e-book before" phase! We also found a great video on fire safety on where else you tube. This one really seemed to keep the kids attention and had them asking lots of questions!We will be ending our study with field trips to the Fire and Police Departments. Kinda helps when Grandma is a police dispatcher and Grandpa and Grandma as well as several other family members are firefighters!

This week Caroline is working on the color green and we will be of course taking Tuesday to learn about Groundhog's Day and Weather Prediction. Emma is working on the letter "D" since we started over with the alphabet after New Years. Long story but the previous curriculum just was not keeping her attention so we started over with a great new "Letter a Week" program and she seems to be enjoying it as well as retaining the info! Maddelyn is also going to be working with the Starfall website that I have heard is wonderful extra practice while learning to read.

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