Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hip-Hip Horray!

So I have been pretty busy today filling ribbon orders since my new shipment came in. I also of course was playing catch-up house-wise after being on the couch sick yesterday. Why is it that when you take 1 days off, you about 3 days work to make up??? Maddelyn played model for me tonight with my bows. She was such a trooper smiling for about 50 different bow pictures! Yes, she did get rewarded with ice cream! Bribery is always a last resort in our home....but it sure does work wonders!

I have GREAT news...(no, we're not pregnant!) Why is it that any time I have news someone thinks we're pregnant? Probably because we've had 3 kids in 5 years? Ok...back to what I was saying....... I had two different online boutiques pick up my korker bows today! Woo-hoo! One has ordered 20 bows to start with and she will be coming up with more color combos for me. :D The other lady is going to be letting me drop-ship with her. Basically that means she puts them on her website. When somone orders she sends me their address, I invoice her my price plus shipping and then after she pays I mail them out to the person who ordered them. Basically she never touches them and gets the profit. Actually I don't mind though because it gets my bows sold! So...please be in prayer that I get some more boutiques to pick them up. I have been contacting lots of stores to see if they are interested.

Ok, well I need to head out..... Mommy and Me Stroller exercise class in the morning.

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