Monday, August 18, 2008

New Bows

What's happened in our house in the last 24 hours....

Caroline has learned to climb out of (or knock down) a baby gate. Yep, she's getting used to her play pen again!
I went to the dentist expecting to need a crown and it was something simple...praise God!
I worked on 2 layouts and a mini album for twelvefridays (I'll post them tomorrow)
We tried a new box mix for gluten free pancakes...not too bad! Thanks Tim and Teresa for the suggestion! Best thing is they are pretty cheap at the commissary we are shopping at this weekend so we will be stocking up.
Caroline discovered she can climb up on top of my kitchen table!'s been a frustrating day with Caroline getting into stuff.
I have been working on the girls' boutique outfits to wear at Disney. Thank you Mom and Donna for your help!
I've been doing up laundry and trying to slowly pack our Disney suitcases!
Nathan found my diamond stud earring that I had lost 2 weeks ago! Woo-hoo! I was afraid to vaccucm because I knew it had to be here somewhere. He found it behind the bathroom door in a clump of dirt, while sweeping??? Weird but I have it back now!
So I have been promising photos of my new bows that I will be selling on my website. They are not up on the site yet, but if you are interested feel free to email me and I can make some up for you. The bows with the large ribbon are only available in the solid colors pictured and about 10 shades of polkadots, at this time. The clippies and the baby bows are available in any of the colors on my ribbon color chart on my website.

Basic Boutique Bows - $4.00

Pinwheel Bows - $4.00

Tails Down Bows - $5.00

Character Clippies - $3.00

Simply Baby Bows $3.00

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you were right the bows show up much nicer in those pics. I do like them very much! Especially the pinwheel bows!