Friday, September 26, 2008

New Haircut and Baby Belly

So I have had several people say they don't believe that I have a belly and think I'm not taking care of myself. Now why on earth would a mommy to 3 who is mid hair bow business, moving, remodeling, homeschooling, and so much more not take care of herself?? HaHa! No just kidding one thing about the baby is he definitely LOVE when I eat! The doctor's scale is a not so gentle reminder of that each week when I show up to get my progesterone shot and have gained yet another pound or 2. Let's just say I gained 40 pounds with Caroline and I am farther ahead in ponders per week than I was with her. Oh my! I definitely can tell a difference in how I am carrying him. He is much lower and farther out, just like my doctor said he should be at #4. I feel so much farther along just in the fact in how hard it is to bend over and do things that normally don't bother me until the very end. I think I am 25 weeks in that picture? I also included a photo of my new haircut with bangs. I haven't had bangs since probably middle school.


4ddintx said...

The haircut is great! That's not much of a baby belly yet! You should see my almost 38 week, preggers with #6 belly! I'm not sure I fit in the camera frame anymore to take a picture ;-)

Great pics. I'm so excited about your little man and all the neat changes happening for you in these next months.


Aliya'sMommy said...

I love the haircut and baby belly! I cant wait to see you next week.

Amber said...

Wow! I'm excited!

Unknown said...

Hehehehe- I feel so much better now that I saw that belly!!!! I can't wait to meet litttle Mr. Elijah :) Love the hair- keep smiling, it will all settle and be over with before you know it, and then you can breathe and enjoy it all!!
Luv ya, Alicia

Elaine said...

Hey! I am sorry that I havent checked up on your pregnancy until now...I was thinking about you the other day and was like I need to check her blog! How exciting your having a boy? He will be sooo spoiled by all your girls! Like little moms. We dont know what we will be expecting into the world around christmas time. We didnt want to find out, I kinda like the element of surprise! Well it sounds like you are doing well. I like your new hair cut by the way!