Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Colorado and Cute Etsy Shirts

I am finally getting a chance to post today. We had our longest hours on the road today (supposed to be 8 hours but with kids and mommy stopping it was 12!) Yeah and of course being in the middle of no where Wyoming you don't really get great Internet connection on the blackberry?? No surprising though when all you see for about 100 miles at a time are a few Prairie Dogs playing Double-Dog-Dare-Ya with semi's. Yep, LOADS of kid friendly entertainment! No in all reality the kids were great with the DVD player, Odyssey, the BEAUTIFUL views, and of course a super long nap.

These are pictures of the girls in their adorable "Name Shirts" that I ordered off a lady on etsy. Too cute! She did wonderful work and had pretty reasonable pricing on all the items in her store. VERY cute and unique birthday gifts!

Yesterday we took the kids to Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, Co. They do have a nice visitor's center, tour, and bookstore but all the fun is downstairs in their remake of Odyssey! For those not familiar it is Christian Kids radio program that has been around forever. Basically it was the "Veggie Tales" for the kids in the 80's and 90's! I think Nathan had more fun than even the girls did yesterday! The had fun playing puppets, climbing through the many neat places in Odyssey, ridding the slide A-Bend-We-Go, eating ice cream at Whit's End, and even being in their own radio recording. Nathan got to read a script and Maddelyn got to do sound effects and then we got a copy of them in the episode before we left that day. What a neat souvenir.

After Focus on the Family we took the kids up to Denver to eat at Casa Bonita's. It's a Mexican restaurant that has lots of live entrainment. There is a cliff diving show, live mariachi band, arcade, old time photos, caricaturist, haunted house, people walking around selling glow in the dark necklaces/toys, a treasure room, and all in this HUGE restaurant.

I just had to share a few landscape pictures from Colorado.

1 comment:

Calina said...

What a lovely little bunch you have there. I love the name shirts!

My girls still love Adventures in Odyssey.
