Thursday, October 23, 2008

Still Kicking!

I am just letting everyone know that indeed...we are still alive! As you probably guessed we are spinning like crazy right now trying to get our new house ready to be moved into. Pretty much every spare evening has been spent on either packing or painting. We did take a few days off however to go to our annual family camp-out this past weekend. We have been hosting this Fall family camp-out since long before I came into the world. The weekend is a time filled with sitting around the campfire joking and laughing, kids playing with their out of state cousins, enjoying great camp food, and ending the weekend with the kids trick-or-treating. This year I believe we had 5 campsites with about 40 people from 4 states! It was so nice to have everyone one of my mom's family home this year, all at one time! It seems the bigger the family gets the more rare all of us getting together becomes! We kinda had a baby boom in our family over the past several years, and of course they are almost all girls! Camping this weekend we had 15 kids, all 6 and under! Funny part was that 11 of them were ages 4-6! boom! Well seeing how there were THREE sets of twins in that group as well, it kinda pushes up our numbers! For trick-or-treating this year our girls were Nebraska Cheerleaders...again! Of course this was totally a hands down decision by the girls. They heard their twin cousins were going to be Ohio State Cheerleaders and wanted nothing but to be cheerleaders as well. I said I guess although you've already done that, but you'll need to be Nebraska cheerleaders instead for Daddy!! They all looked so cute with their little cheer outfits (made by my mom), hair bows, and pom poms. I'll have to post some pictures soon.

I also wanted to say congrats to a couple of dear friends. Rachael have baby girl #4 last week and I just wanted to say I hope my 4th delivery is that smooth! She had a 6 pounder with almost no labor! WOW! Congrats Rachael on little Megan! Rachael and I seem to have very similar lives with our kids spacing, wedding anniversaries, and we are both Army wives whose hubbies were deployed at the same time. I always tease her that she is just copying me. Well this time she got pregnant first and sure enough it changed everything up! She had her 4th girl and w are expecting baby #4 to be a boy!

Nathan's Aunt Tabitha also delivered a beautiful baby girl last week! Baby Joanna is girl #6 in their family! Can we say what a blessing! We saw her picture and oh my does she look exactly like her sisters did as babies! Congrats Tabitha and Steve!!!

It's funny that now that all these ladies who got pregnant right before me are all starting to have their babies. It makes it more real that we don't have too much longer to go! I am currently 31 weeks and getting more uncomfortable as the days go by. I think the thought that Christmas is only 9 weeks away kinda stresses me out! I just think of all we have to do with the house, moving, and 2 crafts shows in there all before baby comes on Christmas Eve! Where I need a break just from typing that all out! Oh and we have decided on a name.....

Elijah Gregory David

This is the same name that we have had for all three of the girls. We just loved Elijah and when we picked it it was very uncommon. The 2 middle names are the 2 grandpas' names. It's kinda funny that since we've had the name since we were pregnant with Maddelyn, it's almost like we already have a 6 year old with that name!

The house is coming along. The contractor said we should have or be very close to have the 1st and second floors done and ready for us to paint by this weekend. Next week they will start hitting hard the 3rd floor attic being turned into our master suite. After that they will do the kitchen expansion and then finish up the basement. So...needless to say the bedrooms will be done in time for our Nov 1st deadline to be out of here, but with the paint and carpet still needing to be done we are going to be staying with my parents for a while. they are so sweet to let us do that. My mom has joked that your kids never really leave for good. They keep coming back and each time they bring more! Yep...that would be true!

Well, I need to head off! I have yet another busy day tomorrow with some large hair bow orders and of course PACKING again! We will begin moving this weekend! Oh My!!

Oh...also I had to share this link! Nathan, the girls, and I were in our town's Halloween Parade Last night. I won't say what campaign we were walking for...but I think you can tell by even the sign that little Caroline is carrying! I hope the link works!

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