Friday, September 12, 2008

ADORABLE SEATS!!! anyone how was around with Caroline knows how I am totally sold out for the Bumbo seat for babies. Not the greatest picture but the best one I had of her sitting in her Bumbo. She is riding on a luggage cart with Daddy in the picture. Anyways....

We of course had onefor her and being like anyother item we purchased for our girls, it was 100% girl! Well, now the new baby bow will be inheriting a PURPLE Bumbo from his big sister. I know it's not life or death to be in purple as a boy, but why should he when I found these......

Yeah I fell in love! These amazing Bumbo Seat Covers are not only great that they cover the non-breathable plastic foam that the seats are made of, but they also have two loops for toys to clip onto and a pocket in the back for binki's and such. Definiely a great find and for only $29.99! They even have an adorable sock monkey cover! Too cute! You can check them out on their etsy store or website

1 comment:

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

The Bumbo seat covers are cute. I didn't realize they were available. I have a blue Bumbo seat if you need it and don't want to invest in a cover. :)
