Thursday, September 18, 2008

Busy Week.....Again!

Well I had not updated in a few days because there really is nothing big to share. The week has been full with home school and hair bows like normal. The business has picked up which is wonderful for the pocketbook but bad for time management. Oh how my house longs for me to spend some one on one time with it cleaning! :D

Speaking of houses.....we close on the new house tomorrow! We will officially be first time home owners! We get full possession of the house on October 6th, but the homeowners are allowing our contractor to begin work on the basement and new furnace starting this Monday! The whole remodel is supposed to take us 3 weeks which is great because we need to be out of here and in there by November 1st. It's going to be a crazy next month and a half!

We did have an OB appointment this week. he said that he was very happy with my progress seeing the blood pressure/heart issues ans well as the contraction/preterm labor. Yeah for baby and me! He said that we are measuring right at 26 weeks so everything looks great! It seems so weird that we are already starting our "2-week" doctor's visits! WOW!

Well I need to get myself in bed. The girls are staying the night with a friend tonight so I actually might get to sleep a little longer tomorrow. However since the other girls don't have school tomorrow, but we were still planning on it, we will be doing school tomorrow evening after we get done with the new house.


4ddintx said...

How exciting about closing on the house--you'll be shocked at how many times you have to sign your name!

It sounds like everything is falling into place--I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see finished pics when the house is done and you're all settled.

Are they considering you high risk? I was wondering why the 2 wekk appts already. We're at 36, so definitely in the home stretch now. I'll keep you posted!

Lil Bug's Bows said...

Hi there! I am new to blogger and just getting started in the bow business! I am just browsing around and finding others who blog. Hope to talk soon!