Sunday, September 14, 2008

I know...I know!!

Okay...Okay...I know that several of my friends and family have been expecting pictures of our house all weekend. I'm so sorry that I haven't got them up yet but we just haven't stopped. Yesterday was spent catching up on some school work (because of the crazy week we had) and we had our first outing with our young couples group that Nathan and I are leading from church. Today I spent about 5 hours at the church re-organizing/sorting/labeling all the items in our church nursery. Well, while on vacation I got a phone call form our church saying that the lady who was running the nursery would no longer be able to and they were in a bind... you guessed it...I no can add Nursery Coordinator to my resume! I must have a sign on my forehead that says "Ask Mandi! She never has enough on her plate!" So the OCD person in me had to do a huge sort/clean day on the nursery to see what I was working with. I think their were diapers in the cupboard there that were older than me? Anyways, I got all the photos downloaded onto my computer tonight but seeing as how it's already midnight I'm off to bed. I have to be up early to do school with the girls and then start right in to my hair bow orders......yes they've really picked up after we got home from Vacation. Thanks you Jesus! :D I will hopefully have a few minutes to spare to post house pictures tomorrow afternoon, well I guess that would now be later THIS afternoon!

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