Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bad Blogger am I!

Ok, I know it's been almost a week since my last post but it's that lazy days of Summer thing. I just haven't felt like uploading anything and wanted to wait until stuff was off my camera before I posted again. Caroline turned 7 months on the the 17th. She's still pretty tiny, but she is growing up on us just the same. We went to the doctor today for her well baby visit and they said she weighed 14lbs 12 oz....which isn't bad except when you weighed 9lbs at birth! So they said she is tiny but she gained 2 1/2 lbs since I had her there last and she was doing everything a 7 month old should be including being almost ready to crawl! She is a tiny one though, what a peanut. She is length wise in a 6-9 months now but around there are still some 3-6 month pants that are too big on her. So I am thinking all those 12 month winter clothes that I bought up on sale this Spring might not be happening. Who knows thought?

Emma goes on Friday for her surgery. Maddelyn actually told me yesterday that she was upset that she wasn't going for surgery as well, especially after reading "Grover goes to the Hospital" and when his Mommy buys him a gift at the gift shop after his tonsils were removed. She was ok though after she found out that she gets to have a slumber party with her twin cousins Morgan and Cathern Thursday night instead. Funny how slumber parties can help you forget hospital gift shops?
For all of those non-Ohioians, I ask that you be in prayer for us. We had some really bad storms come though yesterday and today involving a small tornado, LOTS of rain and now flooding. I have heard that we got over 6 inches of water over night. Lets just say that everything is flooded and people were being rescued off rooftops by helicopter in the next town over. The scary thing is that the forcast shows rain and thunderstorms through Saturday for us. Where on Earth is all the water going to go? We ended up ok with just a little water in our basement. Most of the running water was running straight into our drain. My aunt and uncle were not so lucky. They had at least 6 inches in their finished basement today. They live in the next town over that hit pretty hard. Someone said they had 9 inches of rain compared to our overwhelming 6 inches! So please be in prayer for us that the rain holds off as much as possible so these families can try to get things under control before the next wave hits.

I know they are blurry, but I had to add these two pictures becuase they were too funny not to. This is Caroline enjoying her first swing ride at the Blueberry festivel this past weekend. I think she liked it???

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