Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cousin Sleepover

Well, we survived! Last night we had 7 girls 5 and under spending the night at my grandparents house! WOW! Lots and lots of giggling but over all they were pretty good. We had no major meltdowns just lots of loud toddler voices. I think they finally went down at about 11:30 (mine are usually in bed at about 8:30) and the first ones were up at 7:30 this morning. This morning I asslembly line showered, dressed, and fixed hair. The girls sure did have a blast though! We decided that we are going to do this every August right before school as a last of Summer fling. Although all the cousins live near by, they rarely get to see each other and this was the first time they had ever spent the night together. We painted nails, ate popcorn, played dress-up, and watched movies. Everything a good sleepover includes! Here are some cute kido pics!
Yesterday while we were at Kingwood center I got a few pictures of Caroline in the grass. This is the first itme we've been there that she's been sitting up so I could get the flowers in the background. It was her first time sitting in the grass as well so of course I couldn't get her to let go of the fist full of grass and look up at me. What more interesting....mom...or grass!!

1 comment:

Suzy said...

They are all so adorable! What a fun and awesome way to kick shcool off by having a sleepover beforehand. We do this quite often with all the cousins, but they are a little older than your group. (I don't have to do the assembly line. LOL!)