Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Just for fun...

Besides a trip to Wally World, I'm pretty much done for the day. For all of those worried about me going to Wally World on bedrest, I decided to use my 2 hours out of bed back-to-back and get groceries. I think I will be waiting a while to do that one by myself again. Nathan's sister Elizabeth is coming today to stay with us while I am on bedrest. That should help alot with the girls as well as getting things around the house done. My grandma has also been helping out with dishes, laundry and such. I went to the DR yesterday adn he said no dialation...woohoo, but he kinda worried me. You know how you always go by his tone of voice and such on how serious things are or how concerned he is about something? Well we were chatting and his theme was...WHEN the baby comes early, and that we would be happy with a Christmas baby! I said that I have already done a 36 weeker and it was not fun, his response was we would be happy with a 36 weeker! Kinda makes you think he is pretty sure we will not make it until Jan 23rd? But besides that, everything is fine.

While I am sitting here....trying to relax on bedrest, I thought I would play along with this silly Q&A that was on a friend's blog today.

1) Are your parents married or divorced? Married

2) Vegetarian? definitely not...Nathan woudl not have married me!! But I am pretty picky about my meats.

3) Heaven? for sure

4) Came close to dying?Not that I recall, but there are several time I have praised God for near misses on the highway.

5) What jewelry do you wear 24/7? my wedding rings, my saphire ring, and my diamond studs in my second piercings on my ears.

6) Are you eating? We just finished lunch...Burger King

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? I guess?

8) Would you ever have plastic surgery? Hmmm??? Not currently but if there was an accident or something? Maybe?

9) Have you ever done anything illegal? speeding and a bit in high school, but nothing too serious.

10) Can you roll your tongue? Yes

11) What kind of sneakersI think they are Nike's? I only wear them once in a great while. I am not much of a sneaker kinda gal.

12) Do you believe in Abortion? definitely not. This is my soap box...but I will sum it up with this........A woman has the right to choose, when she goes to bed that night on whether she wants a baby or not! After that, it is not our decision. People always say what about rape or insest....which happens FAR less than you think, but anyways it's called ADOPTION! How can someone expect me to sum up such a heated issue with 2 lines???

13) What is your hair color? brown

14) Future child's name? Well baby #3 really isn't a future child, but so far we have Claire or Caroline

15) Do you snore? no

16) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Hawaii or Germany

17) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? when nathan is not here I sleep with his stuffed animal from college, a huge floppy elephant named Eeyore.

18.) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay tithes, pay off our debt, buy a house, set up a college fund for the kids, I'd help pay off family members morgages, give to church projects, and go on a vacation with my family

19) Gold or silver? Silver

20) Hamburger or hot dog? Hamburger...I hate hot dogs

21) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Do popsicles count as a food?? If not then Clausen Dill Pickles

22.) City, beach or country? Country

23) What was the last thing you touched? a bag of stuff I just bought at Walmart

24) Where do you eat dinner? the kitchen table

25) When's the last time you cried? lets see...I'm pregnant...so 2 nights ago?

26) Do you read blogs? yes

27) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I'm pretty girly so no

28) Ever been involved with the police? My mom works for the police department?

29) What's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap? Tresemme and Bath and Body wash

30) Do you talk in your sleep? I used to when I was little

31) Ocean or pool? pools, scared of creepy crawlies under my feet in the ocean

32) What's your favorite song at the moment? there are quite a few praise and worship songs out that I like.

33) What's your favorite color(s)? pink of course

34) Window seat or aisle seat? with kids...aisle seat to trap them in, without kids....window seat

35) Ever met anyone famous? Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Anne Coulter, Dr. dobson...can you tell we live in a political family?

36) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? I don't think I will be able to tell until it's over? I think I've done ok so far?

37) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? cut it

38) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? not really either....Dr. Phil is more like it!

39) How long do your showers last? If I have time, 20 min

40) Do you drive a stick? nope

41) Cake or ice cream? ice cream...bryers strawberry

42) Have you ever given money to a bum? yes

43) When was your first crush? 2nd grade

44) Where do you wish you were? anywhere but bedrest

45) Have you ever rode in an ambulance? not in an emergency...just grew up in them with parents on the FD

46) Can you tango? wish I could

47) Last gift you received? baby clothes form my friend Alicia

48) Last sport you played? anyone who knows me is laughing at this question

49) Things you spend a lot of money on? groceries, bills and such...but things I love to buy are kids clothes, children's books, and candles

50) Where do you live? Ohio

51) Last wedding attended? My own??? People keep eloping on me!!!

52) Favorite fast food restaurant? Fazoli's

53) Most hated food(s)? onions, peas, lima beans and chocolate

54) Can you sing? if praise and worship on Sunday counts?

55) Last IM? I do more chatting on boards

56) What's your least fav. chores? dishes

57) Favorite beverage? sweet tea, but only in the south, mt dew, cherry coke, barq's...and since all of those have caffine in them...welches grape juice

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