Monday, October 16, 2006

The Poodle Party was a success

The party went great! All for the 9 kids there had a blast dressing up in their poodle headbands, dog collars, and poodle cuffs. They all had pink noses and wiskers painted on their faces as well.
Emma looking adorable in her poodle skirt outfit that day. this skirt was made for me by my aunt when I was about Emma's age. Maddelyn wore it as well. Doesn't Emma look just too cute in it!!! Perfect for a poodle party!

These were the poodle cupcakes that I spent FOREVER on! This on was a left over so of course I did not think to take shots of the better looking ones before they were eaten! The ears are pink orange slices, the snout is a piece of bubble gum, the eyes and nose are mini baking chocolate chips, and the fur is mini marshmallows.

Here is Maddelyn making the craft...a doggy collar.

Here is Emma's Grandma CArla wearing puppy ears as well.

This is Emma's "boyfriend" Hunter!!! They just adore eachother, but fight like cats! It would not have been a party without him there to celebrate with her!

Maddleyn and Emma looking cute as puppies.

Things are trying to settled back down to normal, but not for long! Our family has their HUGE family camp out this weekend so we will be leaving Wed. for the camp out. We having a guy that works with my aunt coming down to the campground to take family pictures for us. I will have to post them when we get the proofs back from him. We have around 40 people coming this weekend from 4 different states! We are just hoping for the sunshine to hold out for us. I will bring back pictures of course!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandi,
the girls have grown so much. I love the pictures of the poodle party. How are you doing with the new baby on the way? Thomas is out in the field and getting ready to deploy after the first of the year again. I have some things that I would love to send to you so please email me your address again. I'm sorry that I have not been in touch lately...but will be better...ttys, Daisy and family