Thursday, December 21, 2006

16 Hours of L&D......and still no Baby!

Well that is right, we just got home form 16 hours in Labor and Delivery, adn we still are a long way from baby! You would think with my 3rd baby that I would have her in less than 16 hours!!! Basically here is the story. I went in to my regular Dr appt yesterday and he said I was a fingertip dialated and was having some minor contractions that felt like cramping to me. I went home afterwards, and the cramping continued and turned into hard/close contractions. After 2 hours of 3 min apart contractions we called our sitter and headed out the door for the hour drive to the hospital. When we got there at 8:00 last night my contractions were pretty strong and 2 minutes apart. They said since I was 35 weeks it is standard to have me drink fluids and get a shot of brethine. Well besides the fact that I had an AWEFUL reaction to the brethine, my contractions did stop. She checked me an hour later and I had progressed to 3 cm even without the contractions! So they admitted me. They started an IV and said they would let me labor through the night and the Dr would be in in the morning. Well after a LONG night of no sleep for me and little for Nathan and both of our moms, the Dr showed up at 8 am. He siad that there had been no change through the night and the contractions had pretty much faded away. So he told me to walk for the next 2 hours and they would check me again. So we did just that, at 11:00am they checked again and I was still just 3 cm and 50 % effaced. So we went home!!!! Yeah, we are all zapped and of course I am frustrated as can be that we went through all of that and still have to do it all again for her to come! Let's just say I'm sore, tired, and she can probably see the sunlight from how low she is! So I guess I will just have to keep everyone posted! As of yet, no baby Caroline!


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a night for you all...well, all the best to you and yours; here's hoping she's here really soon! Take care!!!

Noelia said...

Hang in there, it's all worth it. She'll be here soon! TFS

Lynn said...

OMG! That is a long time to get nothing back, lol. I can't even imagine 16 hours, all 4 of mine were less then 4 hours, I was lucky. Hang in there, she is healthy and will be here before you know it.

Anonymous said...

Hope she arrives soon for you all. Best of luck

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandi! I'm so sorry that you had to go thru it and not have the baby, but she'll come when she is ready, and maybe she isn't quite ready she just wants attention lol ;). Danielle did the same thing to me when Hubby was deployed, I was actually 37 weeks but they thought I was 35... and I went in with "cramps" coming every 2 minutes and was dilated to 3cm, turbuitline and I don't get along either. And yet after a whole night of being in the hospital, and then being sent home, she waited another 3 weeks :) lol... but we made several more trips to the ob without baby coming too... I feel for you!!, I really hope she is quiet for you during the holidays and you are able to be rested for her arrival! Good LUCK!! Have a Merry Christmas, I still get a huge smile on my face when I remember how your family blessed mine last year :)