Monday, January 15, 2007

The Big Day!!!

Well it is finally here! We go in tomorrow for my schedualed induction! Tomorrow at 6 am I call in to make sure I still have a bed reserved. I am the third one to be induced that morning and they are allowed a total of 3 at a time. However, if a lot of ladies come into labor and delivery that night before, I am the first one to get bumped. So I call in at 6 to see and if I have gotten bumped then my midwife will try agin for later Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. So right now we are just praying that no one else needs to go in labor before then!

We have everything ready to go and sitting by the door tonight. The girls' babysitter Ashley will be staying with them for the duration. I just hope that we don't get pushed back any because Maddelyn is going to throw a fit if she wakes up and Ashley is not here like we told her she would be! She could care less about the baby coming...just about Ashley staying with her!

So unless I get pushed back...which I will let you all know...we will be holding little Caroline tomorrow night! I will of course update when I get the chance to and post pictures!

Thanks for all the prayers these past several months!!!!

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