Wednesday, January 31, 2007

1st Doctor's Visit and 1st Pictures...

Our baby girl is already 2 weeks old! We went in for her two week check up today. She weighed in at 9lbs 13 oz and 21 inches. When she left the hospital she was 8lbs 8 oz and 20 1/4 inches, so that means she must be nursing well to have grown that much in 2 weeks! They said that she looked great and thier only concern was a herniated (sp?) belly-button. They said it was not a bad one...just stickes out a bit more than an outtie.....but that we would need to watch it. Sometimes they go down a bit and maybe that would take care of it. If not, then later on we might consider a small sugery to take it in a bit. We'll see how things go.

Daddy is still in FL today but should be home tonight. It will be nice to have him home again. Last night was Caroline's worst night so far. She is doing that cluster feeding right now during her first growth spurt and is nursing much more frequently. I think last night she was averaging at about every 1 1/2 hours. By the time I feed her and then get back to bed it does not leave much time for sleeping! It sure does help to have Daddy here to get up with the big sisters in the morning!

Here are a couple of the pictures we had taken last weekend of Caroline. She looks aweful tiny for a 9 pounder!


Noelia said...

awwwwww! She's adorable! What a beautiful baby girl! Love the picture of her yawning. Glad to hear that she's a natural at nursing. It's great when they adjust without any complications. Good to know that you are both doing well.

Alyssa said...

What a cutie-patootie!

Maureen said...

what a beautiful baby girl you have there. Glad to hear she is doing well

Maureen said...

what a beautiful baby girl you have there. Glad to hear she is doing well