Monday, September 24, 2007

Are Fish Smooth or Soft?

This is the mini album that I promised I'd upload today. This one is currently on ebay, but I made one almost exactly like it for a friend (Dr. Megan) this week who is just about ready to pop! I think I have a couple more to make yet though! I love thse circle chipboard albums by Maya Roads!
I will save you all 16 pics of the album but if you want so see more of this pregnancy journal you can check out my auctions at
So I think we have some sickies here tonight! Uhh! Flu season has begun! Rumbly bellies, runny noses and a small miracle? I actually told Maddelyn that I could not hear her and to speak louder (she is losing her voice.) Ok, not a miracle but definitely a oddity in our home!
Speaking of ODD things in our home......... phrases I cought myself saying today:
-Don't lick your sister!
- Quit pulling your hair out!
- Maddelyn I can't hear you.
- Glue sticks are NOT for painting.
- Emma is that your 4th outfit today?
Odd Questions I was asked today....
- Mom, when you get old will you have ugly stuff on your face and then you can buy special stuff for it to make it nice? WHAT????? I guess the babysitter was explaining cover up to her this weekend!
- Mom, when we get a new house, can we get a clean garage to go with it and we can put our car in it? (just wanted to add we were watching a HGTV's home buying show and they were touring a potential house's garage.)
-Can we stay up until the show is over...please?(Ok this one is funny because it was again while watching HGTV's Design to Sell show. Lately she has been all into home remodeling/decorating) :D
-Are fish smooth or soft?
Yep, life is NEVER boring in a home with pre-schoolers!

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