Thursday, June 19, 2008

She's Growing Up...

So my little Dare Devil Caroline is officially a toddler now and not a baby...sniff...sniff! Since I last wrote her new climbing feats have been getting out of her crib and trying to climb into the club house of her grandparents swing set. I'm sure if my mom hadn't caught her in the act and pulled her off the 3rd step of the ladder she would have been up to the top in no time. Oh my! She has has discovered that when she is mad or doesn't get her way she has 2 new options. She can throw her self to the ground and scream or she can stand there and run/kick in place screaming. Both of these of course don't make Mommy very happy with her. Oh where did my little one go? I guess with a new one on the way it is time for Miss Caroline to leave the baby era, but it sure is hard to see them head towards those terrible 2's! Oh my! Just to make Mommy (and a few family members) tear up a bit more here are a few photos to remind me of what a little peanut (okay at 9 pounds a chunky little peanut) she was and how fast she's grown. Okay...when you're pregnant everything makes you tear up so why not enjoy it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know I understand that! :( They grow up soooo fast- good thing you have another on the way to cuddle with :) You will share, right? Give all my girls hugs and kisses for me- wish ya'll had been with us at Sesame Place! :)