Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sick Baby.....

So we are home from my in-laws in PA. The past few days have been kinda crazy so I haven't had time to post anything. We arrived home on Monday afternoon and took Caroline directly into the doctor's office. We left with them not really knowing what she had but they narrowed it down to RSV or bacterial pneumonia. WOW! Poor little thing had a fever, stuffy nose, sore throat, but worst of all she was struggling with each breath. The poor baby was working so hard to breath. We left with a handful of meds and instructions to use our nebulizer as well. The next day we went in for a follow-up appointment and the nurse practitioner said she was surprised to see us? She said she thought for sure we'd be in the hospital. She said that the day before her and the doctor had really been debating on admitting Caroline to the hospital. She said they choose not to since the kids do so much better at home without all the pokes and prodes. I'm glad i didn't know all that when we were yesterday! I would have been much more worried! So each day she has been a bit better. The breathing treatments are really helping a lot though.

We are busy around here getting ready for the weekend. e are planning on going camping with my parents, brother, and nieces/nephew. It will be nice to get away for a few we haven't been gone the majority of the last month! I also have been busy working on my site still. I am hoping that we are getting pretty close, but you know all those loose ends that need tied up. I also will be working on my twelvefriday's kit this week. WOO-HOO! :D I love when that oh so cute kit arrives in the mail. Now I know why kit club members often want to hug the mail man! So here is what came in the mail this month for me.....

So we'll see what I can come up with using these AWESOME papers! If you're interested in seeing what else twelvefriday's has to offer in their amazing kits you can check them out at.... and you can see what amazing layouts and projects they have already made up with this kit for their Project Friday on their blog at . I believe they posted the sneak peak for the July kit as well! Oh my more to hug the mail man over!!!


Anonymous said...

aww poor caroline :*( my friend Julie's little girl had a very similar thing,just now too.

We're having another girl :) Just thought I'd let you know, hopefully since you got pregnant after me, you'll get a boy ;)

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Prayers for little Caroline. Poor baby, she must have felt awful! Hope she's feeling better soon.
