Thursday, July 12, 2007


So I finally got these posted! My friend Alicia and her baby Emma-Lee left last night. :( So today I finally had time to get these up!!! We had a blast together sharing old stories, laughing at things in the past (both good and bad), getting to know eachother's babies, and just plain ole being friends. One of the many fun things we did while she was here was to take the girls to Kingwood Center...a local flower garden, for pictures. Alicia and her mom bought the girls all these new sundresses, and they looked adorable!!! So these first pictures are of Alicia and Emma-Lee. Look at all the hair on that baby girl!!! You can totally tell she's not mine! Mine are born with plenty and then loose it all! We like baldness! LOL!

Here is Miss Emma-Lee with my Miss Caroline (the bald one! )

The rest are just fun pictures of my girls at the gardens.

I have been scrapp'n up a stom with Alicia, so I'll be posting those later on today so check back!!

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