Sunday, January 13, 2008

Time to Breath!

So were are coming to the end of a BUSY weekend! As you know I had my cardiologist appt Thursday afternoon. Well, the short end of it that he seemed pretty concerned and is sending me to a specialist....I thought a cardiologist was a must be a special specialist??? Anyways I will be seeing a electrocardiologist as soon as possible. He basically said my heart is having tachycardia (fast heartbeat) but is beating in the wrong area as well. He said more than likely they will be doing an EP Study which is kinda like a heart cath to see where the beats are coming form. Yep...more to do in my busy life! :D

We had a WONDERFUL time at the church elders' retreat. the bed and breakfast was beautiful and the pastor's wife ahd the rooms all decorated with candles, roses, bath and body works, fakes snow, soft music, and the fire place lit when we arrived. Yep...romantic! The retreat was a hoot and we had a blast. Nathan of course decided it was time to let the rest of the elders and pastor find out what a nut he was......he did the RAPTOR! Oh my! He does this thing...since college where he prances around like a dinosaur and screeches just like a raptor. Well everyone laughed until they cried and I was embarrassed to death! Let's just say I jokingly told the elders' wives the girls and I now had to find a new church because we were too embarrassed to show up to service Sunday! LOL! That was just the tip of my silly husband showing he true colors this weekend! We did have a lot of fun though.

Today was sweet Caroline's 1st birthday party. We had a Winter One-derland party for her after church. She was in the best mood and had so much fun. It took no time eat all for her to figure out the present thing. She ripped in to everyone of them but got pretty upset that each time she'd get one open we'd take it away and give her a new one. It kinda worried Nathan at how she'd scream at us when we'd try to take the cards and cash out of her hands. He said oh my...that could be a bad sigh of what's to come when she'd 16! She devoured her messy cake and I think ate probably 3/4 of it. It was bigger than normal because my mom did 3 little cakes to make a snowman. Well the kid ate so much that her belly was like a rock and her bellybutton popped out!

I will try and get some pictures posted of it later on tomorrow...when things calm down a bit. But, do they ever really calm down with 3 under 5 or am I just fooling myself. Wait they are all calm right now at 11:22 pm. Maybe that 's why I am always updating my blog so late. Yep! That's exactly why I post this late! LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandi,
Don't know if you remember me - but I've taken a couple classes from you at cropper's corner in Norwalk and have seen you at crops. That is so cool that you are on the design team for twelve fridays! I found your blog from the link on twelve fridays and came across your hairbows you make. They are awesome and I'd like to order some. Will you be at the next crop? My email is

Jackie Houck