Friday, March 23, 2007

Which do you like??



So I am taking the plunge and getting my hair cut and highlighted (again) tomorrow! I just feel like I have had the same version of the same old cut for years! I mean each time I go in and say....hey do something different I walk out with a slightly different version of what I always have. Now the last time the girl really did a nice job with my highlights and gave me some red streaks in there...but same cut! Uhh! So this time I am taking pictures!! LOL! So what do you think??? Which one? I really like the same color I have now (I'd take a picture to show you...but hate to post those roots ont he www!) So should it be similar (not exact) to #1, #2, or #3???? What's your vote????


Anonymous said...

I say the Jenna elfman one (blonde gal w/ read shirt).

Mindy from peas :)

Anonymous said...

hmmm, well miss mandi I have always loved that's pretty close to the same thing, it's just proportioned differently for different face shapes and needs. Bring in all three of those pictures with you when you go. Some questions to ask yourself, do you want to be able to throw it into a ponytail? or do you want to have to do it everyday? Do you want "bangs" and if you do what length do you want them, at your eye, at your cheekbone, etc... It's basically a chunky layered cut, and I think if you kinda know you want chunky layers (from the pics id' guess) let your hairdresser know where you want the focus of your cut to be, your cheekbone area, your chin, your forehead, your nose. Your hairdresser will know how to cut it so it will fit you. I want to see pics of this new hair once your done. And there is nothing wrong with kinda getting the same thing over and over. It's not like we can change the texture and flow of our hair really... well I can't at least lol. I was looking at your past posts and I liked the day that you had it wavy when you and caroline were at the conference that was really pretty.

FlipFlop Mom said...

Oh goodness.. that's a hard decision.. you have such a cute face that I think all of them would go great... if you get the shorter one you can do cute clips and such... and longer you can still pull back... hmmmm I don't know..!! NO help huh? Do show pictures though!! I wanna see what you picked!!

Lara Neves said...

I would have to go with Courteney Cox's do...just because it's longer and I would die if I couldn't pull mine back when I needed to!

But, they're similar enough that I'd probably take all three pictures to show your stylist and discuss which would look best on you.

Jenn said...

because of your face shape I would choose the Jenna Elfman one too. But since you should be getting this done today, I can't wait to see what you did!! Update us asap!!! :)