Saturday, November 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

So my Dad is the big 3-9 again! :D He wishes! We went out today to have an early birthday lunch with all the grandkids. Of course my nefew had Logan's do their embarrasing birthday yee-haw to him. The kids really got a kick out of it and of course Dad got embarrassed! Isn't that what birthday dinners are all about?

Here are a few pics of my parents with the grandkids and of course one of my lovely ladies in their matching outfits. You can't really tell but my Aunt Donna got them all green shirts with matching green camo skirts from the Children's Place. They looked adorable with their leggings.

Speaking of leggings. Okay so what are the "cool kids" calling them now? I have no clue but when I was younger they were leggings. I said that to my 19 year old cousin and she chuckled at me calling them that. Man, I think this is the first time I've been "dated" with one of my terms! I feel old!

Ok...what's with the wierd faces girls? I mean ya'd think after living with me for this long these girls would would see me walk into a await the camera to appear. But do they??? NO of course not! Mommy only takes 50 pictures of the same pose so we can get one picture to not look like these. I guess I should have taken 51 pictures?

Just wanted to add that yeah...I want 3 of these shirts for my darlings. Way too cute!!! They say "Mommy Makes My Bows" They even have the matching ladies shirts and canvas bags that say "I'm a Bow Making Mom." On my Santa List! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandi, just dropping by to say Hi! oh and btw you forgot a "r" in the word "shirts" at the begining of your post... at least I hope you forgot it! lol :)