Friday, November 16, 2007

What I learned from my kids the week.....

- Ear wax tastes bad.....yes while cleaning Maddleyn's ears the other day she tells me that ear wax tastes bad? She said the other day she stuck her finger in her ear..and you can figure out the rest. Yep...and she's my girly one!
- You can't bite your toenails.....another Maddelyn discovery. She has a bad habit starting of bitting her fingernails so we were discusssing how yucky this was and she tells me you can't bite your toenials. I tell her yes, that's really gross. She says, yeah and can't reach them either. I asked how she knew that and of course she said she had tried.
- A baby can and graciously will put water bottle caps in her mouth....with Emma leaving a trail of bottle lids and open water bottles in her path, this is a real problem in our home.
- Fighting with your sister over who gets to potty first suddenly makes you not have to go anymore. I could hear the girls screaming at eachother from downstairs over who was "first." I of course told them to hurry up and go and just be done with it. Well there continues to be screaming...of course I'm on the phone...and by the time I can get upstairs to deal with it they are both in their room playing. I asked Emma if she had gone yet and she said no, she didn't have to! Uhhh! What was all the fighting for then? Do they do these things just because I'm on the phone and they want anyone who calls to think my kids are monsters?
- A small 3 year old girl can bust through and break a baby gate. Yep, Emma snapped our baby gate in two the other night. We double baby gate them in at night, one stacked on top of the other to keep them (Emma) from wandering in the morning. The other night I was feeling sick so I had the girls go and play in their room. Emma kept coming back downstairs so I put the gates up. A few minutes later I hear this loud crash and here comes Emma? I go upstairs and find the baby gate in shambles on the floor???? Nathan said the other day he had seen Emma back up , put her shoulder down, and ram the gate to get it to fall down. When it does she just casually walks out under the second gate still above her in the doorway. So my not-so-girly-girl ramed the gate! Nothing surprises me with Emma.
- Hungry Hungry Hippos is the best pressent for parents of "that annoying child at playgroup or church." Good friends of ours got Emma this game for her birthday and the girls love it. Of course there is hurt feelings and yelling because Emma and Maddelyn think they each need to be the winner of ALL the games. Don't you love that American competitive spirit? Anyways it's a great game...if you have ear plugs. All you can hear through our whole house is....pound pound pound pound pound....which is always followed by "I WIN!!" "No I Won, I had more!" So if you ever need to think of a game to get back at parents for their kids behavior...Hungry Hungry Hippos. Oh no! What if we were those parents? LOL! No I think it was just a gift by "adoptive" grandparents who let our kids do anything they want as long as they are having fun!
- Kids know how to play you...Ok, I already knew this but they just reaffirmed it for me. As you all know Nathan started his second job this last week and worked about 30 hours on top of his 40 in Columbus and the roughly 13 hours of commuting to and from Columbus. So needless to say we have not seen him. He goes form one job straight to the next, gets off at 10pm and has to leave for work again at 5:30 am. So Maddelyn and I had it out this week...seriously roughest day I have had with her in a long time. She cried and whines all day! So in the midst of me having it out with her she tells me she misses her dad and that is why she is acting that way! That little weasel! I told her I miss her dad too, so can I treat her poorly? They sure do know how to tug at the right strings at the right time don't they? Of corse they miss their dad, but that had nothing to do with whinning for about 12 hours straight. I see politicing in her future...always blame your circumstance and somone else! LOL! (not that my hubby does this, just the normal political stigma.):D
Well time to go and do Maddelyn's school work so we can get to the post office......bows, bows, bows!
6 days....16 hours...40 minutes until....BLACK FRIDAY Begins!


Anonymous said...

gotta love those girls!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to go black friday shopping with you. keep your wallet and sale ads ready. love mom

Anonymous said...

oh man you had me laughing! I know that if we got them together they'd all have a blast! Katie and Maddelyn would be off playing while Danielle and Emma would be bugging them and getting into all sorts of mischief, and the two babies would be babbling at our feet :) It's too bad we live so far apart :(
If you get a chance could you email me the ribbon colors please please!! I'm thinking about getting a couple sets for each of the girls! Let me know when you have a free hour so I can give you a call!