Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snowed In!!!

So yes....we are snowed in beyond any hope of getting out. Ohio has now broken records from the 1800's in temperature and snow levels this late in March...yes...March! We heard that Ohio got between 15-20 inches in 24 hours. That pretty much measures out to knee high snow everywhere. The snow in our drive is level to or above my tires on my van and you can not tell I have steps leading up to my front porch! Basically Ohio has shut down. Everything is cancelled (that includes my scrapbooking night!). Nathan got released early from work in Columbus so he could hopefully beat the snow in getting home. He was not able to go in for his guard weekend today because we literally could not even get out of the driveway. Tomorrow looks to be the same. It's very odd having this much time with all 5 of us in the house and nothing to do and anywhere to be? Wierd? Last night we had a family movie night with dinner in the living room. Today we took the girls sledding, made snow cream, cleaned a bit (ok..that was me cleaning), played around and I did a bit of hair bows and SCRAPBOOKING. Yes, did you hear that??? I actually got to scrap and not because I had a design team deadline! Woo-hoo!!! I'll upload the layouts tomorrow because I hope to do a few more tomorrow afternoon.

At this point Ohioians are just shaking their heads at the crazy weather we've had. So we've seen 60 degrees, ice storm, 55 degrees, 20 inches of snow in 24 hours....oh...and that was all this week! So some people have decided if you can't fight it, laugh at it! Last week my neighbor had a snowman/snowwoman in a coconut bikini and grass skirt. She had bow up palm trees, 3 sun umbrellas, a blow up monkey and all. That was great! Yesterday a store's yellow message board read "OK! Who ticked off Mother Nature!" See at least we haven't lost our sense of humor! Oh and the funny thing about all these people spending HOURS digging themselves out of the snow this's supposed to be 48 on Thursday?

So I have lots of picture to share and a funny story with my girls!

So this was Caroline's first time in the snow. I sat her down to take a picture and she just kept on sinking in to the deep snow until she was up to her arm pits. How cute!
Nathan put her on the sled and she was not to happy about it. I think the sled was okay but she was made that the snow kept getting in her face. At this point it was still snowing so hard that it would fall on you face and melt. She wasn't too keen on that so after a short time I took her in for a nap.

*****Disclaimer: I actually am a perfectionist neat freak who keeps a clean house. What you are about to read in no way relfects our normal household. Ok...maybe it sometimes does? We do have 3 under 5?*****

So after our 24 hours of being home-bound I realized that the house was showing some major signs of kid-wear . So, I decided I needed to do some straightening up. My kids have this new thing of leaving a HUGE mess after each meal. I had them trained to clean up their place setting and put their dishes in the sink and throw away their trash. Well recently they had digressed to their formal habit and become the savage eaters they once were! So I see this mess under my table in the kitchen. Now mind you that I swept a day and a half ago. (Now you know why Kate on John and Kate Plus 8 hand mops her floor like 3 times a day! I have 3 she has 8!) So this amount of food is literally covering my entire table area! Did you guys actually eat anything over the past day and a half or did you just feed the floor????

So I start sweeping all of this up and walk past the floor vent behind Maddelyn's chair. I was like "WHAT IS THAT??" I look down to see this!!!

Yes everyone in that photo you can see what "collection" my children started in the vent. Remember in the last posting I mentioned smelling this wonderful aroma coming out of my vent??? Well we found out cause! So in case you can't figure out what we have here: plastic fork, pizza crust, hair band, parts of sunglasses, ink pen, oh another hair band, animal crackers, bread crusts, chicken from tonight's dinner, Frito's, wilted grapes, crayons, yes another hair band, a single sock, and pretty much whatever else you can imagine! Here is what I swept up afterwards.

Like I said...what did my children eat this week? The funny part is that by looking at the vent contents you can see what out menu was this week! LOL! So I know Emma makes a huge mess on the floor when she eats. The pictures of the floor above were under her chair, but that vent was behind Maddelyn's chair. So Nathan asks her if she threw tonight's chicken into the vent. He told her to take a deep breath and think a minute before she answer about how important telling the truth was. So she did and she said that Emma had put the chicken in there...but she did the pizza crusts! LOL! Oh my goodness! (See Alicia I told you NO mommy story can phase this mom!)


Anonymous said...

wow lots of snow!!!

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahaha..I truly can not stop laughing ;) LOL!!!!!!!!!

Aliya'sMommy said...

check it out

Unknown said...

THE SOLUTION TO YOUR CRUMBS AND DEBRIS IS GET A D-O-G!!!!!! RIGHT AWAY!!!! That will solve it all and all you have to do is wipe the floor with a mop occasionally.
Memaw Joye

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Oh that's the funniest. I'm with Alicia ~ you need a dog! Of course it may run around the house with the girls in hot pursuit trying to dress it up and add some cute corkscrew bows to it's ears! LOL

Your Aunt Tabitha just sent me Hannah's blog address. Aliya is just beautiful! I'm sure you are one proud aunt!

Hugs from El Paso

Anonymous said...

Oh my word...the collection in the vent!!! That's too funny!
Great photos in the snow!