Monday, March 3, 2008

A Wonderful Day

I had a wonderful birthday with my family. The girls woke me up with their little pad of paper and pens asking me what I wanted to drink with my breakfast. They were helping daddy by being the waitresses for my birthday breakfast. They also had made cards and a banner for me, of course with daddy's help. We spent a lazy morning and the went to the Carousel here in town to let the girls ride. This was Caroline's first visit and she loved it. She as kinda leary at first but soon got the hang of it. Afterwards we took the kids to Stone Cold Creamery for ice cream. I LOVE that place! We let Caroline have her very first Ice Cream yesterday. Since she was born with a diary allergy, she hasn't had anything like that this past year. The doctors said that after her first birthday we could s-l-o-w-l-y introduce a bit of dairy into her diet and see how she handled it. Well the first few tries she did not do to good and she wants nothing to do with regular milk. Can you blame her though when she's only had soy? So yesterday she tried the ice cream and no side effects! Woo-hoo! That means we try a bit more dairy since she did not react. The whole restaurant was watching her tough because i couldn't keep up with her trying to eat it. I would give her a spoonful and then take a bit myself. Well, she didn't like me taking the time to eat some as well and would scream between each bit but as soon as she got the ice cream in her mouth she was fine. Everyone there got a good chuckle out of her eating it and demanding more.

Last night we had a sitter and Nathan and I wen to see a play in Columbus after going out to eat at Red Robbins...YUM! The play was a smaller title that I had not heard of but it was pretty good! I love the theater and it was nice to spend time away with Nathan as always! Thanks Nathan for making my day special and for doing all the planning for it!

Here are some pictures for you of the day....


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :)
wow you all match! I don't think we've all matched that well before ever :) Even Carolines bib matches hehe

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures...