Sunday, February 10, 2008

Prayer Request....

Hey everyone! So sorry that I did not post the past couple of days. I was literally sick in bed in DC all that time. I am still pretty under the weather with this horrid cold, but I'm home now. I will post later with what all happened in DC as well as with some pictures. Right now though I wanted to post a prayer request real quick. A month or 2 ago I asked prayer for my Uncle Carl who had been lifeflighted with a heart attack. Well...... as of last night he is back in the univeristy hospital with another heart attach. Please Please remember him, his wife Kim, and thier daughter Kaytie who is down in TN at Lee University. This is an awesome man of God who is in his early 40's with now 2 heart attacks. The last time they did put stints in and their whole family has drastically changed their lifestyle to live heathier, so I'm not sure now what will happen? Our family would definitely appreciate all those who could help us in laying Carl before God's thrown. I will keep you all posted as I get the news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mandi - thank you so much for this entry. I can't tell you how much it meant for me to read this while Carl was in surgery. It's incredible the number of emails and texts we've gotten from God's people who have been interceeding. Thank you to all of you.

Carl came out of surgery very well with 2 brand new stents. He's sitting up in bed, ate a big (but healthy) dinner, and is back to making me smile.

It's easy to get frustated that after less than 2 months he's back in the hospital, but God's still in control.

Carl's the love of my life, and I'm grateful for every minute I have to share with him as his wife.

Blessings to all of you.
