Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hey everyone! So sorry that my blogging has slacked off this week.....pretty much everythign has slacked off since I have spent most of the week in bed with this stupid cold. I just wanted to give a heads up about my Uncle Carl, who I had asked prayer for. As of this afternoon my mom had said they were supposed to release him from the hospital, but his good cholesterol count was way too low so they were going to give him meds and see if it came back up. I did get this lovely post from my aunt though that I wanted to share with everyone. Some of you might have already seen in it the comments.

Mandi - thank you so much for this entry. I can't tell you how much it meant for me to read this while Carl was in surgery. It's incredible the number of emails and texts we've gotten from God's people who have been interceeding. Thank you to all of you.Carl came out of surgery very well with 2 brand new stents. He's sitting up in bed, ate a big (but healthy) dinner, and is back to making me smile.It's easy to get frustated that after less than 2 months he's back in the hospital, but God's still in control. Carl's the love of my life, and I'm grateful for every minute I have to share with him as his wife. Blessings to all of you. Kim

Kim, thanks so much for the kind words and know that there are many people in lots of states praying for your family! You guys are an amazing couple and like Nathan and I have told you before, our inspiration on how a Christian Marriage should work. We really look up to the two of you and just pray...I mean pray that our girls turn out 1/2 of what your daughter has! You guys did a great job!

On another note.......


Love you sweetheart! I will get back on the reasons I love and respect you as soon as the cold goes away and my world starts again! Until then thanks for all you do and I really enjoyed out "date night" tonight! Thanks for getting a sitter and seeing a chic-flick with me!

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