Monday, October 1, 2007

Hmmm......What to do now??

Can you hear that???? SILENCE!!!!! Yep, Caroline and I are home alone for the next week. Nathan left this morning for camp with the Guard in Indiana and the girls are already in Pa at their grandparents. So what are Caroline and I to do with with all of this time on our hands? I have a huge list of course of like 100 things that I want to get done but I doubt it will happen. The only thing that has to get done is my DT stuff for this month, cleaning the carpets, getting Emma's party ready and of course....da da da.....GYMBUCK time at Gymboree! :D Yep Yep this Thursday is the big day. Although shhhhh I will be putting things on hold Wed night at my local store. Wonderful ladies there! Sad to say they know us by name now. Kinda embarassing? But not everything from my gymbucks will be mine to keep. Of course I'll have to buy for ebay as well so I can pay for my own purchases. Love how that works.

So I promised an update on the twin sale. Wow!!!! It was terrific as always and I got about a trash bag full of clothes, shoes, boots, coats, and PJ's for the girls this Winter. My mom, mother-in-law and sister-in-law went along to shop and they each found things as well. My sister-in-law found a crib, changing table, and stroller all in wonderful condition for like $140 total! Great deals! So here is a pic of what I came home with......
So the saga about the girls in pre-ballet this week. The teacher went on and on about how well Maddelyn did on learning each of the new ballet possitions that her teachers showed her. Emma on the other hand would stand on her mat for a minute and then lay on the floor and roll around, then back on her mat, then running around the room, then onto the trampoline, and well as you can see she didn't have much focus. She did great for the 1st 20 min or so but an hour was way to long for her to focus. I can't blame her though. So the ladies there told us that this week they would also be offering a gymnastics class at the same time as this one so Maddelyn could go to ballet still and Emma could do the gymnastics. They said it's more like crawing through tunnels, playing with hula hoops, and such. I think Emma will love it! also, it saves me from running around since they are offered at the same time. So here are the pics I got of the first class. Sorry they are not hte best, but they are from the other side of the gym since I was trying to not distract the girls by hanging around.

This picture was just too cute not to share. This is Caroline playing onthe gymnsatic mats while waiitn gon her big sister's dance class to end. Cutie huh?

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